Blog: The Greenhouse Project


A man in a green t-shirt standing in front of a greenhouse

Nature and Wellbeing: Frazer

Attending wellbeing sessions at The Greenhouse Project and becoming a volunteer has got Frazer out of the house and making the most of life

The outdoor space continues to flourish with the addition of new beds and further clearance work

A busy start to Spring at The Greenhouse Project

Spring is peeking it’s way around the corner (and through the soil in the form of crocuses and daffys) which means that gardeners all around have been busily preparing for the growing season.…

Inside one of the growing tunnels at The Witton Greenhouse Project

An incredible year for The Greenhouse Project

We are so proud of what we have been able to achieve through The Greenhouse Project; transforming the previously derelict and unusable greenhouses of Witton Country Park into a beloved community…


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