Blog: Wilder Future


Sign reading climate justice now

How to lobby your MP

One of the most empowering ways you can make an impact on the climate and nature crisis is by lobbying your MP. Not sure how? Here’s a quick guide.

Seedheads of sweet vernal grass growing amongst the bright green background of a long lawn

Why you should take part in No Mow May

This year, our Youth Council have been busy planning how to get as many people involved in No Mow May as possible. Whether you own a garden or not, there are plenty of ways to get involved and…

Swifts, swallow, martins

Getting Wild About Gardens

This year's Wild About Gardens theme is 'Swifts, Swallows and House Martins' - birds that all depend on our gardens.

Sand lizard on Fylde Sand Dunes ©Amy Pennington

Highlights from an incredible wildlife year

It’s been a tough year, but it’s also been a year full of hope. Though we’ve faced some challenges, we’ve also achieved some incredible things for wildlife.

A saltmarsh in Scotland peppered by white salt-loving plants, with mountains and wading birds in the background

COP26 jargon, explained

IPCC? Mitigation? Net-zero? What do they all mean, and what exactly is COP26 anyway? We’re here to demystify the climate conference that everyone is talking about.


What happened to our hedgehogs?

In 2020, hedgehogs were classed as ‘vulnerable to extinction’ in the UK after years of tragic declines in their numbers, but how did we get to this point? What exactly happened to our hedgehogs?…

Speckled oystercatcher eggs in a nest on coastal pebbles

Look out for ground-nesting birds

Birds are beginning to nest, and not all of them in trees. Many birds nest on the ground and it’s really important to avoid disturbing them. We’re here to help you learn more about ground nesting-…


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