Wildlife laws under threat: pesticide regulations
With a second reading of the Retained EU Laws Bill expected soon, we're sharing a series of blogs about the laws and regulations designed to protect nature that are under threat. Today, Dr…
With a second reading of the Retained EU Laws Bill expected soon, we're sharing a series of blogs about the laws and regulations designed to protect nature that are under threat. Today, Dr…
Karen introduces us to one of her favourite solitary wasps, the genus Ectemnius.
Karen explores the misunderstood world of wasps, starting with the wasps that people are most familiar with, social wasps.
This year, our Youth Council have been busy planning how to get as many people involved in No Mow May as possible. Whether you own a garden or not, there are plenty of ways to get involved and…
In the tiny world of insects, finding a suitable mate can be a BIG challenge - our love bugs need to pull out all the stops.
Moths are often overlooked, misunderstood and under-appreciated insects, yet our wetlands and reedbeds are home to some incredibly beautiful and really important moth species.
Look more closely at the wild places around you and you never know which cool critters you might find! Here are some species you could spot during 30 Days Wild.
It's no secret that bees are declining across the UK, but what's the picture like in Lancashire? Lancashire Wildlife Trust bee expert, Ben Hargreaves, discusses the gains and losses.
Steve Garland, chair of Lancashire Wildlife Trust and beetle expert, explores the world of these incredible, armoured insects.
We all know that bees are under threat, but we don’t always know how to help them. Luckily, bee conservation can start in your garden and we’re here to help you learn how to garden for bees.