Blog: Wellbeing


Four people holding spider plants

What is Green Social Prescribing?

Our health is complex and can be affected by many things that doctors or medicine alone cannot treat. Green social prescribing can help - but what is it, and what does it have to do with wildlife…

World Mental Health Day 2024

October 10th is World Mental Health Day, and this year the theme is about mental health in the workplace.

A man in a green t-shirt standing in front of a greenhouse

Nature and Wellbeing: Frazer

Attending wellbeing sessions at The Greenhouse Project and becoming a volunteer has got Frazer out of the house and making the most of life

Winters Sky

What you can do to help wildlife in 2024

A new year. Time for new beginnings, new resolutions and new ambitions. This year, why not make a lasting change, one that will benefit future generations and the environment as well? Here are…

A man holding up a tall sunflower

Nature and Wellbeing Case Study: Tom

Tom has been through the whole journey of our Nature and Wellbeing Service, starting with attending sessions, to now helping other people with their own journey as an Assistant Nature and…

A woman throwing a handful of seeds into the air

My nature prescription

To kick off Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, Kirsty Tyler from our Nature and Wellbeing team talks about how nature has helped her manage her anxiety.

The outdoor space continues to flourish with the addition of new beds and further clearance work

A busy start to Spring at The Greenhouse Project

Spring is peeking it’s way around the corner (and through the soil in the form of crocuses and daffys) which means that gardeners all around have been busily preparing for the growing season.…

Nature and Wellbeing participants standing by their herb spiral

Nature and Wellbeing Case Study: Jamie

Jamie who has been a participant and now a volunteer on our Nature and Welllbeing sessions at Chorley allotments shares what the service means to him.


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