Bringing wildlife back

Manchester argus butterfly resting on grass

The first Manchester argus released onto Manchester's peatlands by Andy Hankinson

Bringing wildlife back

A world without wildlife

We live in one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world with wildlife declining at a rapid rate, sadly a world without wildlife is not difficult to imagine but we are fighting back.

We are working tirelessly to reverse species declines in our region, ensuring that the colour and vibrancy of wildlife across the North West is not lost forever.

Our work to bring wildlife back

From protecting endangered red squirrels to releasing rare sand lizards back onto the dunes and reintroducing locally extinct species back to our peatlands, we are working hard to bring back wildlife in our region.

Keep up with the latest news about species reintroductions and protecting rare and endangered species.

A red squirrel in mid-air jumping whilst carrying an acorn or nut in its mouth

Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Find out more about our red squirrel conservation work

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Bog Bush Cricket (c) Andrew Hankinson

Find out about our species reintroduction work

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