Blog: Winter


Redwing enjoying berries by Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

How to help wildlife at home during winter

Wildlife needs our help during winter, more so than any other time of year. Food sources and hibernation spots are few and far between, so we encourage everyone to provide the support that they…

Hedgehog curled up in Autumn leaves

Snoozing the winter away: our guide to hibernation

During the dark, damp, cold winter months the thought of hibernation can sound very appealing – tuck yourself away somewhere nice and cosy and sleep until spring arrives. But is that really what…

Bright yellow goat willow catkins in flower

Latest wildlife sightings - February 2023

February brought with it the promise of spring, offering a generous scattering of warm bright days and big blue skies but still with all the freshness of winter upon the air.


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