Blog: Nature


Waterfall tumbling over grey rocks surrounded by green trees

Lancashire's secret waterfall

The West Pennine Moors is an area filled with amazing nature and wildlife spectacles, none more so than a secret waterfall. Discover why some wild places need to stay wild...

John Anderton holding a barn owl

Remembering John Anderton

Stephen Cartwright remembers John Anderton, a long term volunteer and supporter of Lancashire Wildlife Trust, whose dedication and passion made a huge difference for wildlife.

Hedgehog curled up in Autumn leaves

Snoozing the winter away: our guide to hibernation

During the dark, damp, cold winter months the thought of hibernation can sound very appealing – tuck yourself away somewhere nice and cosy and sleep until spring arrives. But is that really what…

Life of a Tree

How to identify trees

Whether towering majestically above us or just starting out life as a tiny sapling, trees are one of our most beloved plants. Many of us will see a tree every day, but identifying which species it…


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