Make a difference to your local wildlife from home
Here at the Trust we’re continuing to invite volunteers to get involved with roles where it is safe and there is space to do so. There are, however, lots of ways that you can support our campaign for a Wilder Future from home. If just one person in every four (25%) takes action, this can be enough to change the minds and behaviour of the majority. With your help we can put nature into recovery so please take a look at ways you can help below.
Take action for nature in your home and garden
Go peat-free
90% of the UK’s peat bogs have already been lost, along with the wildlife they used to support. You can play a vital role in protecting our remaining peatlands by not buying peat-based compost, by asking shops for alternatives, by spreading the word about peat-free and lobbying Government for peat-based compost to be banned.
Help us ban peat sales
Defra has finally launched the long-awaited consultation into banning the retail sale of peat in horticulture in England and Wales. We need as many responses as possible to help end this unnecessary and destructive practice.
Join the My Wild Garden movement
Sign up to our My Wild Garden campaign and get a free booklet full of tips for improving your outdoor space for wildlife. If you've already signed up, champion wildlife gardening amongst your friends, family and colleagues.
Simple things you can do to help wildlife
From building a bug hotel to creating a garden pond, here are some ideas for things you can do yourself to help wildlife.
Become a wildlife recorder
Wildlife records help to monitor populations and show changes over time. Use the iNaturalist app to identify and log wildlife when you go for a walk, or find a naturalist group that's involved with recording local wildlife.
Help nature recover by 2030
We need nature, and it needs us. With only 10% of land protected and much of that in poor condition, the Wildlife Trusts have launched our biggest ever campaign to kickstart nature’s recovery. We're fundraising to restore at least 30% of land and sea by 2030.
Make a difference for our seas
No matter where you live or what you do, you are connected to the sea. By making some small changes help protect our seas and improve global environmental health, find out how here.

Badgers by Darin Smith
Become a Wildlife Trust member
We're a charity that receives no government support, so we rely on our members to help fund our vital work for wildlife across Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside.
Our members share our love of nature and care about protecting wildlife. Please support us by telling your friends and family about our work, and find out how to join by clicking the button below.