Blog: Birds


Waxwings in Todmorden Jen Coates

The Wonder of Waxwings

Waxwings are a flighty phenomenon in the UK, and here in Lancashire we are in love with them! But what are waxwings, and why do they appear so suddenly in our fair county?

Reed bunting by Dave Steel

A mossland Christmas tree

As if I needed a reminder that the penultimate day of this LWT #12DaysWild journey was upon me, the hedge posing as a long line of Christmas trees was suddenly devoid of all its decorative baubles…

Song thrush by Dave Steel

A song to brighten any day

Grey, miserable-looking and windswept was the sky over the moss, as I set off on Day 4. Was this glum weather about to affect my mood and turn me back home?

Linnet on wire by Dave Steel

All about the Sticky Bob Bird

Day three of my 12 Days Wild and I am back on the Moss in the wind and rain. Some things never change, but who am I to complain, I choose to be buffeted by the wind and my waterproofs simply…

A bittern in reeds

Boom bang a bang bittern

This weekend the UK will be welcoming song-lovers from across the globe as Liverpool hosts the Eurovision Song Contest. But Eurovision fans aren’t the only visitors flocking to our shores ... Lunt…

Marsh marigold

Spring at Lunt Meadows

Our trainee, Emma talks about the changes that spring brings to Lunt Meadows Nature Reserve and how the abundance of growth and new life would have been important to our Mesolithic predecessors.…


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