A surprise curlew, a fluffy owlet and then 500 starlings Dave Steel's #30DaysWild
Peatlands birding legend Dave Steel starts another 30 Days Wild challenge, heading off onto the moss on a warm Saturday.
Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION
Peatlands birding legend Dave Steel starts another 30 Days Wild challenge, heading off onto the moss on a warm Saturday.
The final day and a time to reflect and not just on the past #12DaysWild out on Chat Moss but, owing to where I visited today, my reflections went back decade after decade of my life.
As if I needed a reminder that the penultimate day of this LWT #12DaysWild journey was upon me, the hedge posing as a long line of Christmas trees was suddenly devoid of all its decorative baubles…
There was once a youngster on his lifetime journey with the natural world (especially birdwatching) who, one rain-blessed and windswept day, was introduced to the diminutive Jack snipe.
A flooded field, a large pool formed and, finding this to its liking, along came a little egret, on Day Nine of #12DaysWild
We extend a warm welcome to all our visitors from Scandinavia and other such frozen landscapes.
I suppose I should feel obliged to mention the grey partridge, as I have volunteered to join in on the LWT #12DaysWild over Christmas.
“Ambushed” by a posse of at least 90 starlings, all resting on telephone wires along the road I take onto the moss.
Under the watchful eye of the Moon a wander into a landscape evolving for nature, on Day 5 of #12DaysWild
Grey, miserable-looking and windswept was the sky over the moss, as I set off on Day 4. Was this glum weather about to affect my mood and turn me back home?