Latest wildlife sightings - March 2025
Enjoy our latest showcase of wildlife sightings spotted on our reserves across Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside.
Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION
Enjoy our latest showcase of wildlife sightings spotted on our reserves across Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside.
We round up some of the wildlife that have been sighted on our reserves throughout January.
We take a look at different species of wading birds, and which ones you can hope to spot on our nature reserves.
We share sightings from across our reserves over December. Winter wildlife shows us it's resilience in turbulent and icy weather.
Do you know your newt? Read on for facts and identification tips for your own newt knowledge, plus pointers on creating pond habitats.
Evenings are getting noticeably lighter for longer, spring flowers are bursting forth and our reserves are teeming with wonderful wild sights.
Waxwings are a flighty phenomenon in the UK, and here in Lancashire we are in love with them! But what are waxwings, and why do they appear so suddenly in our fair county?
Find your magic this winter with our migratory bird guide. Which birds visit the UK? Where can you see our winter visitors? And why do they migrate in the first place?