A timely rest
Dave Steel starts and extraordinary final weekend of 30 Days Wild with shifting crops and singing birds
Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION
Dave Steel starts and extraordinary final weekend of 30 Days Wild with shifting crops and singing birds
Beginning and ending a journey to the mosslands around Salford and Wigan can be an astonishingly wild experience for our 30 Days Wild blogger, Dave Steel.
Our mosses have residents but also many visitors popping in on their way to warmer places and breeding grounds, Dave Steel continues his 30 Days Wild odyssey.
Rain fails to dampen the enthusiasm of our 30 Days Wild adventurer Dave Steel and the people he meets on his mosslands wander.
Thou shalt not pass, a tiny bird blocks the way for Dave Steel on his 30 Days Wild Adventure but it is just another experience to share in his wonderful blog
Dave Steel looks back on days when he regularly heard snipe on the moss, and finds new hope in hearing one today.
Even on a quiet day our mosslands birding legend Dave Steel is bitten by the 30 Days Wild bug - and a horsefly.
On Day 21 of 30 Days Wild, Dave Steel wanders a little further afield to find himself deep in the woods.
A mixed day 20 for birder Dave Steel as he strives to complete 30 Days Wild on our wonderful mosslands.
Even the walk to school counts as part of the 30 Days Wild adventure for mosslands birder Dave Steel