News: My Wild City


Manchester skyline by Nick Rodd

The North Manchester Nature Network

The Wildlife Trust has launched a new project which will create pathways for wildlife and link favourite nature spots in North Manchester following a grant from the Cadent Foundation.

city nature challenge 2020

City Nature Challenge 2020 results

Nature brings people together and together we can achieve some amazing things for our local wildlife. During such uncertain times it is important to foster a sense of community, and taking part in…

City Nature Challenge 2019

City Nature Challenge comes to Manchester

This April the City Nature Challenge comes to Manchester as we compete with cities across the globe to collect the most records and make the most observations for wildlife in our city.

Bee on cow parsley (c) Paul Hobson

Discovering Manchester's wild side

Manchester is going wild - and setting the standard for cities all over the United Kingdom with our new My Wild City project.


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