News: Conservation


Cattle with GPS collars

No fence trial for our cows

Our wonderful grazing cattle are helping us to trial “no fence” technology as part of the Lancashire Wildlife Trust Conservation grazing project.

A green hairstreak butterfly standing on a budding leaf. The sunlight is making its emerald green wings shimmer

City Nature Challenge 2022 - the results are in!

As part of a staggering, collaborative effort by people from across the globe, over 1,694,877 new wildlife records were collected in just four days as part of this year’s City Nature Challenge.…

Towering pine trees, dappled with sunshine, stretching away from camera in the pine woodland of Mere Sands Wood

Mere Sands Wood to get even wilder in January

Mere Sands Wood will close for one month from Tuesday 4 January so we can carry out vital work that will attract even more wildlife, and help people get even closer to nature.


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