Teal, pintail and shoveler were just some of the species our entrants photographed, and we had an extremely difficult decision to make in choosing a winner. However, after much consideration, Paul Hurley was awarded first place in February’s competition - well done Paul!
February photography competition results
Snow bunting by Tom Wilson

Paul Hurley
Our judge selected this image for its ‘subtle yet eye-catching quality'. They said:
"Paul managed to take this fantastic shot at Brockholes Nature Reserve, and it beautifully highlights the complex plumage of the magnificent kestrel. With its small yet robust stature and pointed wings, this sensational bird always catches the eye.’

Fay Ellis
In second place is Fay Ellis. Our judge loved the arrangement of this image and commented:
"Capturing this heron perched high on a branch showcases its imposing stature and elegance. The lighting is just stunning as well - well done, Fay!"

Snow Bunting by Tom Wilson
In third place is Tom Wilson. Our judge stated:
"This shot captures the subtle beauty of this snow bunting and its incredible plumage, perfect for blending in with our sandy, flotsam-strewn shorelines in winter."
The winner will be contacted via email with details of how to redeem their £100 optics voucher prize. Additionally, all winning photos will be displayed in our visitor centres for everyone to see.
What do you think?
Let us know what you think about the judge’s selections via either our Facebook or Twitter pages.
March’s competition is currently open and has the theme of ‘Signs of Spring’. As per 2021 rule changes, photographs can be taken anywhere in the Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside region and are not limited to Lancashire Wildlife Trust nature reserves.
The deadline for entries is 11:59 pm on 31/3/2022. To enter, email photocomp@lancswt.org.uk (a maximum of three photos per person) or click the button below.