I read an article about how to manage our anxiety in these challenging times. It stated that “kindness is contagious too.” So perhaps we can start with a bit of self-kindness.
Wellbeing at a time of uncertainty

Be active
Nature carries on outside, and there are things we can do and make, indoors, that can help. Today I’ve made a bee hotel out of some old twigs and string. Just by cutting and tying some chunky bits of wood together we can provide shelter for some of our solitary bees. Use old pencils if you don't have access to sticks.
I’ve also put some nesting materials out for the birds, such as blue tits that are currently looking for soft, fluffy nesting material. You could use old wool or moss. Just make a bundle and tie it somewhere the birds can access it. You don’t need a garden to do these things. A windowsill will work. Keeping busy is so important.

Take notice
I’ve always loved watching clouds. Every day our skies offer us a whole new gallery of shapes and colours. Spend five minutes just watching the clouds out of the window. How fast are they moving? What shapes are they making? Can you draw them? What would you call that shade of blue? This focusing on something specific, using your senses, is a form of mindfulness. It helps slow our minds down and calms us.

It’s important to connect with nature and with others. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while. Keep talking and connecting with other people. To connect with nature, grow something on a windowsill - remember cress heads? You could even start a nature diary of the things you can see from a window.

Gillian Day
How about connecting with someone that is socially isolated due to current events? Not only will you be helping someone else, you will be helping yourself too by forging this new connection. Lancashire Volunteer Partnership are looking for Community Befrienders. You only work over the phone so it’s very safe.

I’m going to be using some time to improve my bushcraft skills and knowledge. There are some great videos online to learn about bushcraft.
Nature is always there for us. A constant in a time of uncertainty. Over the next few weeks I’m going to try to be kind to myself and others, and will go on connecting with nature. Let the kindness spread!
It might surprise you to know that the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside runs a free wellbeing project - Myplace, in partnership with the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.
Find out more about our work to support people's health and wellbeing through connecting with nature.