A wild test of my hearing

A wild test of my hearing

Goldcrest by Dave Steel

Now that some of the crops are gaining some height, at last, it's always nice to know that for another day my personal audiologist had confirmed that my hearing is up to scratch at least in the world of birdwatching.

In the domestic scene it seems that I do not always hear what my better half says - apparently??

Anyway my hearing test out on Chat Moss went well and once I had just about heard and gained an image of the goldcrest as it sang heartily, all 9.5 cm of it, at least I knew my hearing had picked up this diminutive birds high pitched ‘rusty bike wheel’ of a song.

Then as I moved deeper onto the moss I felt empowered enough to think: "Right,  yellow wagtail beware! You may be hidden within the crops but make no mistake for today, at least, I will hear you."

Skylark having seemingly lifted the roof of the sky sang out of view but not wishing to repeat myself I heard their glorious song loud and clear.

The next birds were both easy to hear and see as these three whitethroats battled it out with their territorial if quite discordant song.

A yellow wagtail then drew my ears and eyes to a cereal crop which hid its visage but not its voice from my view. A perfect proof that my hearing was in order as already proved earlier.

Not needing anymore proof that this day was full of sound, I moved on giving my eyes some work but even then the clarity of a blackcap's melodic song reached from the wild, reminding us all that to be out on Chat Moss (or wherever we might roam) it pays off to simply stand watch and listen for the Wild.