Photography Competition Results – May 2024

Photography Competition Results – May 2024

Yuan Shi 

The results of May’s photography competition are in and the entries we have received are incredible!

May is the perfect time of year to spot all the incredible wildflowers across our reserves in full bloom. From orchids growing wild in fields, to bluebells coating the floors of woodlands across the region in a blanket of blue, and many more, these beautiful blooms are truly a sight to be seen.

This month we have received some truly wonderful entries under the theme of ‘Spring Blooms’. As always, we have received some fantastic entries that made it hard for our judges to choose however, there can be only one winner.

After much deliberation the winner of May’s photography competition is… Min Yang!

Yellow Iris

Min Yang 

The composition of this beautiful photograph is fantastic! This image captures the theme of ‘Spring Blooms’ perfectly, from the vibrant colour of the yellow iris as it attracts the bee really impressed our judges. 


Yuan Shi 

Second place is award to Yuan Shi and oh what lovely tulips! The beautiful pale pink of the flower head against the luscious green stems, captured the hearts of our judge’s.   

Mew Broom

Michael Peters 

Finally, third place goes to Michael Peters. The clarity and sharpness of the vibrant yellow petals against the blurred background really draws the viewer into this beautiful photograph.

A huge thank you to everyone who sent in their wonderful images! To see all the incredible entries we received, please take a look at the album below. The winner will be contacted via email with details of how to redeem their £100 optics voucher prize.

What do you think?                   

Let us know what you think about the judge’s selections via either our Facebook or Twitter pages.                    

June’s competition is currently open and has the theme of ‘Butterflies/Moths’. As per 2021 rule changes, photographs can be taken anywhere in the Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside region and are not limited to Lancashire Wildlife Trust nature reserves.             

The deadline for entries is 11:59 pm on 30/06/2024. To enter, email (a maximum of three photos per person)

May 2024 Photography Competition - Spring Blooms