Commercial Marketing Non Executive Director (Volunteer position)

Commercial Marketing Non Executive Director (Volunteer position)

Volunteer remotely

Badger by Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

An exciting opportunity for a senior level manager with a commercial background who wishes to use their skills and knowledge to support and enhance the delivery of our growing LWEL services

Lancashire Wildlife Enterprises Limited (“LWEL”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Lancashire Wildlife Trust and was established as the vehicle for the commercial activities of the Trust.

LWEL is governed by a board of directors consisting of Executives and Trustees of the parent Trust, together with two experienced independent Non-executive Directors.

Due to internal movement amongst the Trustees, we are looking to recruit into one of the two independent Non-executive Director roles . 

The role of Non-Executive Director  is a voluntary position, and we are seeking enthusiastic candidates with the following skillsets:

  • Commercial and marketing experience at a senior level, preferably in the tourism or hospitality sector across multiple-sites.
  • Skills in delivering a high-quality welcoming experience for visitors whilst maximising revenue generation from retail, catering, events and other commercial activities.
  • Experience in developing strategies to enhance visitor experience, ensuring inclusivity, accessibility and a broad audience reach.
  • Experience in marketing,  plans and campaigns, sales tools and presentations, particularly in the conference/wedding/events space.
  • Experience in nature/wildlife/outdoors based visitor attractions preferable, although not essential

The Wildlife Trusts work to engage and empower people of all identities, cultures, backgrounds and abilities, supporting them to value, enjoy, speak up and take action for wildlife. We actively encourage applications from people of all backgrounds and cultures. We believe that a diverse team will help us create our vision of people close to nature, with land and seas rich in wildlife.

This is a varied and exciting voluntary position with the opportunity for someone to use their skill set to help the Trust deliver its strategy and join this ambitious team to make a real difference to local wildlife in Lancashire, Manchester and  North Merseyside.

Further details including a role profile and how to apply can be found in the packs below. Please review the details before you apply.

Should you be interested in this position or want to arrange an informal chat to find out more about the role, please contact Monica Atherton Patel, Company Secretary, at

You can apply by completing a supporting statement and return this, and your curriculum vitae (CV) via email to

Deadline for applications: 9am Wednesday 30th April 2025

Interviews: Week commencing Monday 12th May 2025

Commercial Marketing Non- Executive Director (Volunteer)