Volunteering at Mere Sands Wood

Family walks towards Mere Sands Wood Visitor Centre

Jason Lock

Volunteer at Mere Sands Wood

Help our visitors fall in love with wildlife

Our Visitor Centre needs you!

We have lots of exciting volunteering opportunities available in our Welcome Centre, shop, cafĂ©, kitchen. 

If you can help our visitors finish their day out with wonderful memories and a smile on their face, and play your part in generating much-needed income for our charity, we'd love to hear from you!

Choose your perfect volunteer role

There are lots of opportunities to help us in the Welcome Centre. If any of these take your fancy, scroll down to fill in an application form.

The cafe at Mere Sands Wood is ready to welcome visitors

Ed Bailey

Be a friendly face

Donate your time to help us run our Welcome Centre and help our visitors get the most from their day out.

Three slices of Victoria sponge cake, filled with jam and buttercream, on a plate

© Charlotte Varela

Make magic in the kitchen

If you aren't comfortable talking to the public or handling cash, volunteer in our kitchen to help us make fresh cakes and biscuits that we can sell in the café to raise vital funds.

What you get back

A member of staff handing food over the counter to a customer in the Mere Sands Wood cafe

© Charlotte Varela

  • Free training package included with accredited certificates that will help you with other volunteering opportunities or employment.
  • Work alongside like-minded people in a peaceful, welcoming environment.
  • Boost your confidence and gain experience that could help you into employment.
  • Opportunity to input into our Welcome Centre activities. Could you lead your own crafting club or create nature-themed sweet treats?
  • Give back to wildlife by helping us generate income that we can invest back into our conservation work across the region.

Volunteer at Mere Sands Wood

Please contact Sarah Leach our Volunteering Coordinator to register your interest for one of our opportunities: sleach@lancswt.org.uk