Thank you for helping wildlife in your Wild Garden

Thank you for telling us about your wild garden

It's wonderful to hear about the actions you've been taking in your garden to make it a welcoming place for wildlife!

Our My Wild Garden award

Our My Wild Garden award

If you'd like to celebrate your efforts with your own My Wild Garden plaque, please order your plaque below by making a small donation to support our work. We will hand-stamp your plaque and send it to you in the post.

Every My Wild Garden donation this year will go towards our Step up for Wildlife appeal, which will allow us to ramp up our conservation efforts across our region - so it is truly appreciated.

Order your My Wild Garden plaque

Donate now and receive your award

Celebrate your own little nature reserve with a My Wild Garden award

For more inspiration to help you make your space even more welcoming for wildlife, why not take a look at some of our tips below - or download our free My Wild Garden guide here