
A common lizard basking on a patch of mossy ground

Common lizard: James Rogerson


What are they?

Reptiles are found in a wide range of places, from sandy heaths and woodland ridges to garden compost heaps. Some of Britain’s six species of reptiles are now very rare, meaning that The Wildlife Trust’s work to restore and protect vital habitats has never been so important. Reptiles are fascinating animals that are often sadly forgotten about when talking about interesting UK wildlife. Most lay eggs, but some give birth to live young; they live in an array of habitats and, contrary to general expectations, are often quite shy. 

The main six species found in the UK are common lizard, sand lizard, slow worm, grass snake, adder and smooth snake

Where Can I See Them?

Freshfield Dune Heath

Common Lizards are frequent here and the rare sand lizard is now breeding here after being re-introduced in 2011.  

Astley Moss

There have been sightings of the Common Lizard and even snakes here at times. 

Warton Crag

As well as being home to hundreds of butterflies, the reserve also supports the common lizard and slow worm.

Cadishead Moss and Little Woolden Moss

Both reserves have retained many species of wildlife including common lizards resting lazily on old rail tracks.

More information

A group of lizards is called a lounge.