Wigan Practical Conservation Volunteers

Wigan Practical Conservation Volunteers


One of the many pools at Wigan Flashes

We are looking for volunteers to join our weekly practical groups to help us carry out hands-on habitat management and site maintenance tasks.

Position details



Work parties take place weekly Tuesday-Friday and the 3rd Saturday of the month.
You can volunteer for one day a week/month or more, no previous experience is needed just enthusiasm to get stuck in whatever the weather and a reasonable level of physical fitness. 

We provide the tools, training and personal protective equipment and we can reimburse travel expenses up to £8 per day. We just ask that you wear sturdy footwear, dress appropriately for the weather and bring a packed lunch.

Practical conservation volunteering is a great way to spend a day working outside with like-minded people, surrounded by nature and learning new skills along the way.

If you're interested in volunteering on Wigan Flashes please click this link which will take you to Assemble, our Volunteer Management System.

Wigan Flashes Practical Conservation Volunteer