Step up for Wildlife

Step up for Wildlife

£251,539 of £300,000 goal

A world without wildlife is closer than you think. It's time to be bold, and step up our impact for wildlife.

Lancashire has always been beautiful, diverse and brimming with life. But we are losing our precious wildlife and wild places, impacting our quality of life, health, and resilience against climate change. Right now, we are in a critical race against time to Step up for Wildlife - we need to create bigger, better and more connected areas of habitat, give endangered species the space they need to flourish, and ensure that our future generations inherit a vibrant, biodiverse world.

Our biggest fundraising appeal in the history of the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside aims to reverse this decline.  

To hit our target of 30% of our land and sea being connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030, and 1 in 4 people acting for nature by the end of the decade, we need to aim much higher.

We are aiming to raise £300,000 to ramp up the scale of our impact, and make our 30 by 30 target a reality.

Will you help us step up for wildlife?

“Here at your local Wildlife Trust we are proud to have a focus on practical positive action for nature that we can all be taking together. We desperately need to ramp up our work to ensure we genuinely leave the natural world in a better state for future generations”
Dr Tom Burditt
CEO - The Lancashire Wildlife Trust

We can fix it

We know that the State of Nature Report 2023 figures are alarming. We also know that this is an ambitious target - but we have the solutions, expertise and an army of dedicated staff and volunteers needed to reverse nature's decline

Thanks to your support so far, we have already invested more than £20,000 in transforming more areas across the region into "Wet Willow Wildlife" habitats, creating more homes for our region's endangered willow tits.

We plan to create, restore and enhance over 90 meters of hedgerow habitat at Cutacre Nature Reserve. By creating a more resilient and interconnected landscape across Cutacre, we hope to support the endangered grey partridge populations in the area. This will be made possible with thousands of pounds of investment directly from our appeal.

Our Education Team will be delivering outreach programmes to more schools, allowing children to create connections with wildlife and nature.

We also have plans to rebuild the tern colonies at Seaforth Nature Reserve that were tragically lost due to the recent avian flu outbreak. £60,000 of your generous donations are helping us to achieve this.

We need £5000 to help newts thrive in region rich in ponds and interconnected habitats through gardens and private green space, can you help us make this happen?

These amazing plans are just the start - we can't stop there. We need your support so that we can continue stepping up for wildlife in Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside. With your help we can: 

Bring back our lost wildlife

The State of Nature Report 2023 confirmed 1 in 6 of our precious UK wildlife species are at risk of extinction and there has been an 18% decline in pollinators. We are already working hard to reverse this decline, but we need to go further.

So far thanks to our work, the Manchester argus butterfly (also known as the large heath butterfly) is back on Astley Moss after more than 100 years and the population is thriving.

Carnivorous plants on our peatlands including iconic species such as sundews, bladderwort and sphagnum moss have been returned to benefit wildlife and the environment. 

As part of the Fylde Sand Dunes project, we released a total of 412 captive-bred sand lizard hatchlings onto the dunes between 2017-21. Sand lizards are one of the UK's rarest reptiles, unfortunately confined to just few sites as destruction of their habitat has massively reduced their range, so reintroduction programmes (like this one) have helped to establish new populations.

We can’t stop there. We need to continue our species monitoring to ensure we can make a difference where wildlife needs it the most. Your donation could support our continued work creating vital habitats for willow tit populations in Wigan and our work to bring back the red squirrel population from the brink in Merseyside.

Create Nature Recovery Networks

86% of important habitats need urgent restoration and 93% of woodlands need urgent care. 

The creation of Nature Recovery Networks is a vital step towards this much needed habitat restoration. We have been instrumental in creating these networks across our region, working in partnership with landowners and organisations of all sizes.

Our decades of work have seen the first ever National Nature Reserve designation for its urban wildlife – The Wigan and Leigh National Nature Reserve. We have brought vital peatland habitats back from the brink across The Chat Moss network in Manchester and worked in partnership to restore and protect the dune habitat on the Fylde Coast.

Your donation could help us continue our work to map priority areas for new nature recovery networks and allow us to work in partnership to make them happen.

Put nature at the heart of communities

The Lancashire Wildlife Trust acts a voice for wildlife when it comes to development, checking hundreds of planning applications every year, to prevent negative outcomes for wildlife in our region. 

We are inspiring the next generation of nature protectors through our environmental education programmes, reaching over 20,000 children each year. Our My Wild City work in Manchester influenced the city’s biodiversity strategy, and created hundreds of mini nature reserves in gardens across the borough through the My Wild Garden initiative.

Our work at the Witton Greenhouse project in Blackburn has seen dozens of organisations and hundreds of people from all backgrounds come together to transform a derelict community space into a thriving hub for food-growing, sustainability and wellbeing.

Our incredible Nature and Wellbeing programmes connect people with nature and have a huge impact on their mental wellbeing. For every £1 invested in our work, we are saving the NHS up to £2.16 in additional costs.

Communities are at the heart of nature’s recovery- if we can empower 1 in 4 people to take meaningful action for nature, this can be the tipping point for wider social change. Your donation can help us get there faster, connect more communities with nature and transform the future of our local wildlife.

Tackle the climate emergency

The State of Nature report showed a 54% decline in UK plant species. The nature emergency and climate emergency are interlinked. Climate change is driving nature’s decline, and the loss of wildlife and wild places leaves us ill-equipped to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change. With further investment, we can begin to turn the tide. 

We have nature-based climate solutions in abundance. Our ground breaking work with peatland restoration has seen these globally important habitats brought back from the brink. The State of Nature report said 75% of precious peatlands need restoring - so we can't stop there. Restored peatlands have the incredible ability to lock away carbon from our atmosphere – they really are the superheroes of climate change. 

We've been working on the ground to restore nature since 1962. We protect and restore important habitats that lock carbon safely away and limit the effects of climate change, including peatlands, saltmarshes, wetlands and ancient woodland. There is so much more we can do to tackle climate change on land and at sea with your help.  

Workplace Wellbeing at Brockholes

Give £30

£30 could help fund essential monitoring and recording equipment, so we can prioritise our work where wildlife needs it most.
A rare willow tit standing on a tree branch

Give £300

£300 could help us carry out critical restoration to important habitats, to help protect threatened species such as red squirrel and willow tit.
Cottongrass - Little Woolden Moss

Give £3,000

£3,000 could help us undertake landscape-scale nature recovery and advocate for stronger protection for wildlife in law. This will help give nature's recovery a fighting chance.
Infographic displaying key stats from the State of Nature Report 2023

It's closer than you think 

Many of us will remember a childhood where nature was more abundant than it is now. A world where you could hear the snuffle of a hedgehog in your gardens at night, the joyful serenade of the skylark across the moors and regularly witnessing the delightful autumn spectacle of a murmuration. The memories we all hold so dearly of those times are vital snapshots into a world we are losing.

We all need nature - for our mental wellbeing, the food we eat, the air we breathe and to keep the economic wheels turning. 

Nature is at the heart of everything we do, and everything we need to survive – and now nature needs us too.

Latest appeal updates

Learn more about what your generous donations have helped us to achieve so far in our latest blog updates.

Help us step up for wildlife today


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I donate to the appeal?

A huge thank you from everyone at The Lancashire Wildlife Trust for choosing to support our appeal.

Card, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay online
Please click on any of the links or buttons displayed above. You will be directed to a form where you can enter and change the amount that you would like to give.

Card by phone
Please call 01772 324129 - option 1, between 9am and 5pm Monday – Friday.

Cheque by post
Cheques can be made payable to "The Lancashire Wildlife Trust" and sent to us at:

The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester & North Merseyside,
The Barn,
Berkeley Drive,
Bamber Bridge,

If you would like to discuss your donation, please email Jenny Johnson, Head of Marketing and Income Generation:

Can I raise money for this appeal?

Yes! If you're ready to take on a personal challenge to step up for wildlife, then you can fundraise towards our appeal - take a look at our fundraising pack here.

How will my money be spent?

We have big ambitions with this appeal, centred around:

  • Bringing back our lost wildlife 
  • Creating nature recovery networks  
  • Put nature at the heart of communities  
  • Tackling the climate emergency  

We will carefully spend your donation on our main appeal aims, which are listed above. Should the opportunity arise, we may also use it as match funding to unlock larger pots of money made available to us. However it is spent, we will ensure your donation has the highest possible impact in fighting for nature's recovery.

Why are you aiming to raise £300,000 - and is this enough to fix the problem?

The time has come to step up for wildlife. We need to raise every penny we can to ensure wildlife stands a chance of recovery.

We must act fast, with ambition, and at scale. And to do that we need your help. We have the solutions, experienced staff and dedicated volunteers. We can work with communities, landowners and other organisations to put nature into recovery. 

We know this is an ambitious target, but a large target could allow us to acquire more land, reintroduce more species and create more habitats for wildlife.

This appeal is our first step towards our long-term vision for the future. We want to see a societal change; a world where wildlife is integral to our lives and future generations. 

What happens if you don't meet your appeal target?

If we don’t meet our campaign target, we will still be able to make a huge impact for nature's recovery and step up for wildlife with the donations raised. As this campaign is part of our core work, there is no risk it will become invalid. If we exceed our target, this would mean we can speed up our work. We want to make a big impact, and this means having big goals and a grand scale of the work we want to undertake.

Can my business get involved?

YES! Please reach out to us if you are able to contribute to our appeal via your business, we'd love to hear from you. Please email for more information.