Manchester's Nature Recovery Network

Manchester skyline by Nick Rodd

Nick Rodd

Manchester's Nature Recovery Network

Led by the My Wild City team we are developing a Local Nature Recovery Network which will help to make Manchester a world class, liveable city for both people and wildlife alike.

Visit the My Wild City webpage

What is a Local Nature Recovery Network?

In order for nature to thrive, we need it to be bigger, better and more joined up.

Nature reserves alone cannot meet the needs of wildlife or our communities. To achieve that, we also need to protect and improve the many other places where wildlife lives â€“ like gardens and parks – and ensure that these areas are linked up, creating stepping stones that will allow wildlife to safely move between them.

How will we put nature back into recovery in Manchester?

Working with the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit we are looking in detail at where the different wild places are situated across Manchester, as well the distribution of a number of different plant and animal species. This information will be used to help us create a Nature Recovery Network map for the city which will identify priority habitats and wildlife corridors.

We are also:

  • Working with Manchester City Council to produce a new Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for the city.
  • Producing clear work plans for Sites of Biological Importance in Manchester.
  • Running regular volunteer work parties at these sites. Join Team WILD
  • Inspiring people about the wildlife on their doorstep with our My Wild City project and encouraging people to take action by getting involved in our My Wild Garden campaign.
  • Looking at nature's recovery at a neighbourhood level with our North Manchester Nature Network

Meet some of our star species!

These are just a few of the species that are helping us to put nature back into recovery in Manchester.

A common frog that looks like it's smiling, resting in a pond

Common frog by Mark Hamblin/2020VISION


Common frogs need plenty of wildlife ponds to thrive, which will also benefit lots of other wildlife too.

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Pipistrelle bat

(c) Harry Hog


Bats rely on a healthy insect population for their diet and without insects many other species would suffer.

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A honeybee with pollen baskets flying towards a dandelion

John Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photographu


Dandelions need untamed lawns, parks and verges that will also provide a vital home to lots of other wildflowers and minibeasts.

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Garden bumblebee

Chris Gomersall/2020VISION


Bees need flowers, and lots of them. This won’t just give bees the helping hand they need; lots of other pollinators will benefit.

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A starling flying away from a suet feeder while someone watches from their window

Ben Hall/2020VISION


Starlings need plenty of trees and bushes to provide them with the food and shelter they need. Mature trees and healthy hedgerows also support a huge amount of other wildlife.

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Help us turn Manchester wild

An urban peregrine falcon flying over a street

Bertie Gregory/2020VISION

Build a Wilder Future with us

We’re working to create a Wilder Future for Manchester as part of The Wildlife Trust’s mission to put 30% of land and sea back into recovery by 2030. Together we can save wildlife.

Can you help us?