Aughton Woods

Tall oak trees with green leaves

Oak woodland at Aughton Woods - Jenny Bennion

A bunch of both blue and white bluebells at Aughton Woods nature reserve
A great-spotted woodpecker feeding on a mossy tree

Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Fields and a river bordering Aughton Moss nature reserve

Alan Wright

Aughton Woods

Step into Aughton Woods and enter a magical place where wildlife and wildflowers flourish.


Five miles north east of Lancaster, between Aughton and Caton

OS Map Reference

SD 543 663
A static map of Aughton Woods

Know before you go

33 hectares

Parking information

Car park at Crook O'Lune


Access to the woods is now limited to the western end of the reserve. There is a short loop up into the woods and through Lawson's Meadow which is accessible from the Lune Valley Ramble running along part of the southern boundary. The path provides a snapshot of the variety of habitats that can be found throughout the reserve and provides excellent views out across the Lune Valley from the top of the meadow.


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When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times.

Best time to visit


About the reserve

Aughton Woods is the kind of nature reserve that inspires poets and enthuses artists, especially during the springtime. Visit at this time of year and you’ll be overwhelmed by stunning carpets of azure bluebells that positively glow in the shafts of sunlight leaking through the trees.

But bluebells aren’t the only flowers that steal the show. Primroses, opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage, wood speedwell and foxgloves all grow in Aughton Woods, alongside various fern species and the very special wood fescue. The best place to see this rare UK grass is in the woodland’s damp ravines.

Aughton Woods’ remote location means you’ll be wrapped in a blanket of peace and solitude; birdsong the only sound. Look out for chiffchaffs, chaffinches and five species of tit as they flit from tree to tree, while nuthatches and treecreepers shimmy up the trunks and woodpeckers hammer into the bark. Excitingly, pied flycatchers are known to breed here, and evening walks may be haunted by the strange call of the woodcock.

As an ancient semi-natural woodland, Aughton Woods is interwoven with history. Abandoned charcoal heaths lay levelled out of the hillside and multi-stemmed trees grow up from stools last coppiced 70 – 100 years ago, when they were used for charcoal and leather tanning.

Small-leaved lime trees – considered indicators of ancient woodland – grow in the ravines along the western and southern edges of the wood, while Cole Wood brims with birch and Shire Oaks Wood is dominated by towering sessile oak trees.

Don’t discount the nearby River Lune, where oystercatchers and common sandpipers forage in the mud between February and August.

Contact us

Reuben Neville
Contact number: 01524 855030