Let your lawn grow WILD!

Let your lawn grow WILD!

Image by Cath in Manchester

Mowing the lawn can be a real pain in the grass.

Put your feet up, enjoy the garden and leave your lawn to grow wild this summer – your local wildlife will thank you.

With more time on our hands and a re-ignited passion for our gardens across the nation it seems many of us are in the midst of full scale garden make-over. Whilst mowing the lawn might seem like a task you can “finally get round to”, our My Wild City team are encouraging you to “say no to the mow” and leave your lawn to grow wild this summer. You might even start a new trend on your street.

Long lawn

Image by Cath in Manchester

How does a long lawn help wildlife?

A long, luscious lawn provides an excellent habitat and hiding place for many of our beloved garden insects.

Long blades of grass hold onto moisture on the ground, providing a refreshing place for birds, insects and mammals to get a drink and cool-off.

The less you mow, the higher the pollen count will be on your lawn. Increasing the amount of nectar which is available for bees and other pollinators.

Long lawn

Image by Cath in Manchester

What wildlife might I see?

If you leave the lawn to grow free you’ll likely spot plants like clover, daisy, buttercup and dandelion – which provide a great, early source of food for our pollinators. These plants will encourage a whole host of mini-beasts to make a home in your garden too. See how many you can spot amongst the long blades of grass.

If you want to take it a step further, why not have a go at growing your very own wildflower meadow? 

Did you know that since the second world war 97% of Britain’s wildflower meadows have disappeared?

Find out how to grow your own wildflower patch


Long grass

Image by Cath in Manchester

Help! I still can't stop thinking about mowing the lawn!

We know it might be tempting to have a ‘tidy’ lawn but trust us when we say that long lawns are beautiful too.

You might want to think about mowing a winding path down the centre or perhaps giving your lawn a shorter border if you still want to keep it looking a little neater?

The best time to mow your lawn is once in early March and again towards the end of September or early October.

Want some more tips to transform your garden into a sanctuary for both you and wildlife to enjoy? Download your free My Wild Garden pack today for some wild inspiration.