Government publishes draft Environment Bill

Government publishes draft Environment Bill

The Wildlife Trusts call for major improvements to draft Environment Bill to put nature into recovery.

The draft Environment Bill published today by the government does not go far enough to tackle the serious environmental challenges we face or provide legal certainty for the future of our natural world, say The Wildlife Trusts. And nor does the accompanying policy note.

The Bill and policy note fall short in a number of ways:

  1. The proposed 'green watchdog' is too weak. Much more is needed if it is to bear any comparison to the environmental enforcement powers currently held by the European Commission and Court. To do this the watchdog would need to be more independent and able to hold the whole government to account, including through having powers to issue fines if the government fails to implement environmental legislation properly.
  2. The policy note misses out Nature Recovery Networks. We are disappointed that it fails to propose key measures needed to secure nature’s recovery; not least requiring the production of Nature Recovery Network maps and compliance with these. (See The Wildlife Trusts’ Wilder Britain proposals.)

The government has committed in its manifesto to being the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than it found it. Leaving the EU and then introducing a weak Environment Bill will not achieve this. The Wildlife Trusts believe that this Bill, so far, is not good enough.

Nothing can replace the full powers now held by the EU and European Court of Justice that have forced us to clean up our rivers and seas and protect key wildlife sites. But a really powerful independent watchdog would make a big difference.

Stephanie Hilborne OBE, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts, says:

“We fought hard to secure this Environment Bill and recognise that Defra has worked hard to produce it, but the stark reality is that other government departments have weakened the draft substantially.

“Wildlife is in freefall and the government’s proposals for a new Environment Bill fall well short of what is needed to leave the environment in a better state for the next generation.

"Now ministers and MPs must improve upon this draft Bill to create a bold visionary piece of legislation proportionate to the vast environmental challenge we face. Unless they do, we will regret losing still more wildlife and the health of our ecosystems for generations to come.

"Critically, an ambitious Bill would put nature’s recovery onto a statutory footing by mapping out where wildlife must be protected and where habitats must be improved – a Nature Recovery Network on land and at sea.”

We need the Environment Bill to give us:

  • Nature targets: Legal targets for nature's recovery that politicians must ultimately achieve and regularly report on progress towards e.g. safer air to breathe in our cities.
  • A Nature Recovery Network: A joined-up network of habitats that provide enough space for wildlife to recover and for people to thrive.

Legislation is needed to drive the creation of Nature Recovery Networks, mapped and delivered locally, to protect and join-up important places for wildlife, to bring nature into every neighbourhood and to ensure everyone, whatever their background, has access to wildlife-rich natural green space.

Read about The Wildlife Trusts’ vision for a Nature Recovery Network here, and how we are mapping Nature Recovery Networks across Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside, here.

The Wildlife Trusts are asking people to meet their MP in person to discuss the need for a strong Environment Act. Over a thousand people have contacted their MPs, and in our region, an incredible 32 out of 50 MPs have already been contacted about putting nature back on the agenda. But we need more voices - please speak to your MP about the importance of a Wilder Future.

Speak up for an Environment Act