Tony West
Group Visits
Green Space Challenges with our Men in Sheds groups
How a few men are making a huge difference for wildlife and their local community whilst also improving their health and wellbeing.
Youth Campaigning Group Application
Wildlife Watch Group Helper
Wildlife Watch is the children's branch of The Wildlife Trusts. Through monthly meetings Watch groups engage children aged 8-13, nurturing their interest in wildlife and the environment by…
Bad news for bees: Government reverses ban on bee-killing neonicotinoids
The Government has bowed to pressure from the National Farmers Union and agreed to authorise the use of the highly damaging neonicotinoid thiamethoxam for the treatment of sugar beet seed in 2021…
Star becomes the first of her Wildlife Watch group to earn the Kestrel Award
Wildlife Watch groups are an exciting way to explore local wildlife close to home and share moments with other really wild children!
Great Manchester Wetlands Land Managers' Group
Local nursery group give Manchester's wildlife a helping hand
Broadhurst Community Centre's Nursery group have been very busy bees!
Catching up with the Chorley Myplace group
We all know that life has been anything but normal over the last few months and all, including us here at Myplace, have had to adapt to new ways of life.
Red grouse
The red grouse is an umistakeable bird - plump and round, with a gingery-red body as its name suggests. Found on upland heathlands, it is under threat from the nationwide, dramatic loss of these…