What are natural climate solutions?
The climate crisis now regularly makes the headlines, and rightly so. But there’s another crisis – inextricably linked – lurking too often unnoticed in its shadow: the massive, ongoing loss of…
Tony West
The climate crisis now regularly makes the headlines, and rightly so. But there’s another crisis – inextricably linked – lurking too often unnoticed in its shadow: the massive, ongoing loss of…
Our pioneering Rindle wetter farming trial has a new crop – and it’s just ready for your breakfast!
I have become a detective; an investigator seeking clues; peering into burrows and carefully searching through grass and mud for one of the UK’s most elusive creatures, the water vole.
When a peatland is drained and converted to agriculture, the carbon that was stored in the peat oxidises and gets released into the atmosphere contributing to the climate emergency. As part of a…
If you were to do just one thing to fight climate change, what would it be? Buy an electric car, install solar panels, give up air travel – or go peat-free?
Feeling overwhelmed by the scale of the climate and nature crises? Don’t worry! There are lots of things you can do to help from home.
Climate change is on our doorstep and it will be up to the next generation to lead the way in fighting to protect our planet.
The Wildlife Trusts unveil new educational guides for children to learn about how nature can help tackle the climate crisis.
A boggy, unloved field has been transformed into a ground breaking carbon farm, planting sphagnum mosses to absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere.
Gardeners are being told to go peat-free as the climate and wildlife crisis lands in our flower beds and hanging baskets.
Eat more plant-based foods, reduce your food waste and buy local produce to shrink your environmental footprint.