Myplace and The ADAB Centre's WorkWild project has been helping participants to gain new skills which will aid them in their journey to employment.
The project acknowledges one of the key aspects to gaining and retaining employment is having good wellbeing. By working with participants to help connect them with nature through virtual and onsite green wellbeing sessions, WorkWild aims to equip participants with inspiration and knowledge as well as the confidence to utilise the opportunities nature provides, in order to manage wellbeing.
WorkWild has just completed its first 12 week programme with the first cohort of young people. As part of the programme, participants had the opportunity to gain insider knowledge of the Green Sector, the variety of job roles the green sector provides and how to go about gaining employment within the Green sector. The young people hosted a virtual ‘Green Panel’ event where they invited professionals from The Wildlife Trust to speak openly about their employment journey’s and answer questions around employment within the green sector, posed by both WorkWild participants and other invited young people.
The programme also provided the opportunity for participants to gain various AQA accreditations, relevant to any job. One of the AQAs achieved, guided participants through the process of planning and delivering their own green space challenge project. Inspired by the Wildlife Trust's Action For Insects campaign, the group decided to inspire their neighbours to join in with being part of nature’s recovery by delivering UK native wildflower seeds and informative leaflets to houses on their street.