Membership - what we do with your information
When you become a member of the Trust, we will create a record for you on our secure database. Access to these records is restricted to a small team of dedicated and trained staff who will respect your personal information.
The information we keep
We will keep your personal information so that we can send you your membership pack and your membership magazine. As part of your membership package, you will also receive communication by post which will include personal invitations to special events and information about how you can get more involved and make the most out of your membership. We will record the information we send you, and any correspondence we have with you on your record. We will also keep information such as any legacy pledges you make or campaigns you support to help us communicate with you in a relevant way.
How long we keep your personal information for
We will keep your records up to date and relevant for as long as you are a member with us. In order to comply with Gift Aid Regulations, your record will be kept for 7 years after you leave us, but we will not contact you once your membership has closed, unless you choose to continue to receive our e-news, or if you choose to contact us.
Member e-news
Although the e-news is part of your membership package, because of new regulations we will need you to let us know you are happy to receive it. You can unsubscribe at any time from the e-news by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom.
Third Party Organisations
We will never share or sell your data to a third party organisation. In some cases, we will use a third party to send you information where we do not have the facilities to do so ourselves, such as your Lapwing Magazine or your e-news. These organisations are carefully vetted by the Trust and required to sign our data processing agreement.
Keeping us up to date
Please keep your personal information held with us up to date. If you want to change the way we contact you, or update any of your details, you can contact us:
By Email:
Call us (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) on 01772 324129
The information we keep
We will keep your personal information so that we can send you your membership pack and your membership magazine. As part of your membership package, you will also receive communication by post which will include personal invitations to special events and information about how you can get more involved and make the most out of your membership. We will record the information we send you, and any correspondence we have with you on your record. We will also keep information such as any legacy pledges you make or campaigns you support to help us communicate with you in a relevant way.
How long we keep your personal information for
We will keep your records up to date and relevant for as long as you are a member with us. In order to comply with Gift Aid Regulations, your record will be kept for 7 years after you leave us, but we will not contact you once your membership has closed, unless you choose to continue to receive our e-news, or if you choose to contact us.
Member e-news
Although the e-news is part of your membership package, because of new regulations we will need you to let us know you are happy to receive it. You can unsubscribe at any time from the e-news by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom.
Third Party Organisations
We will never share or sell your data to a third party organisation. In some cases, we will use a third party to send you information where we do not have the facilities to do so ourselves, such as your Lapwing Magazine or your e-news. These organisations are carefully vetted by the Trust and required to sign our data processing agreement.
Keeping us up to date
Please keep your personal information held with us up to date. If you want to change the way we contact you, or update any of your details, you can contact us:
By Email:
Call us (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) on 01772 324129