Paul Hunt
Your legacy can help protect the future of local wildlife
Choosing to leave a gift in your will for wildlife is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy for something you love, and make a difference to future generations of both people and wildlife.
By making a pledge to leave a gift for wildlife, or informing us you have already left a gift in your will using the form below, it will enable us not only to thank you in person, but to share our future plans with you and include you in any legacy events we run. Knowing that people are including us in their wills today gives us added confidence for tomorrow and helps us commit to important long-term projects, so we truly appreciate you letting us know.
If you are considering a legacy but would like to talk to someone then please let us know; we would be happy to speak to you.
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We respect your privacy and will never sell your details. For more information about how we use your data please click here, and if you have any questions, please call 01772 324129 or email marketing@lancswt.org.uk.