Habitat Bank - Cutacre
Cutacre's restoration
The 60ha Cutacre site was passed to Lancashire Wildlife Trust after opencast mining concluded in the area over 15 years ago.
The site had a series of historic ponds which were of regional significance linked to their value for a wide range of species including Great Crested Newt. In the years post land transfer, alongside works to restore and maintain the important wetland habitats the Trust has undertaken work to improve the condition of intensively grazed grasslands and neglected hedgerows to help develop an important habitat matrix at the site.
Through initial works, a number of previously absent key species have returned. However, we knew we could do so much more to drive nature's recovery on the site and so we decided to bring an area of the site forward as our first Habitat Bank. Over the next 30 years, the Trust will restore, create and maintain a mosaic of grassland, woodland, wetland and hedgerow habitats at the site; all extensively grazed by our native rare breed cattle.
Proximity to our existing operations across the Wigan Greenheart and wider Greater Manchester Wetlands means that our habitat restoration, creation and maintenance work will deliver increased landscape-connectivity for a wide range of wildlife species including willow tit, water vole and lapwing.
The site has been recognised for its strategic significant location for nature in the Greater Manchester Local Nature Recovery Strategy as well as being verified and validated as a Habitat Bank by the Greater Manchester Ecological Unit.
The sites key characteristics
Local Authority: Wigan Council
National Character Area: Lancashire Coal Measures (adjacent NCAs include Mersey Valley, Manchester Conurbation, Manchester Pennine Fringe, Southern Pennines, Lancashire Valleys, Lancashire and Amounderness Plain, Merseyside Conurbation)
Habitat units: Lowland meadows, Other Woodland; Broadleaved, Lowland heathland
Linear units: Species-Rich Native Hedgerow, Species-Rich Native Hedgerow with Trees, Species Rich Native Hedgerow with Trees - Associated with Ditch
Cutacre and BNG
Cutacre is our primary site for off-site BNG units. If you are interested in working with us for your BNG needs please email bngunits@lanswt.org.uk or fill in the form below. We will be in touch very soon.