Forest Schools Manchester

Forest School in Manchester

Molly Toal

Forest School in Manchester

Over 4,000 children have experienced Forest School
74 adults have trained as Forest School Leaders
34 outdoor classrooms have been installed

Bringing outdoor learning to inner-city Manchester

In 2015, we brought our Forest School project to a cluster of schools centred around our wonderful Moston Fairway nature reserve in Manchester, all supported by players of People's Postcode Lottery. This led to an extremely successful, long-running project, whereby players of People's Postcode Lottery supported us to bring free Forest School sessions to a number of educational settings in urban Manchester.

We wanted our Forest School project to leave a lasting legacy for these sites, which is why, during our time with them, we put in place the facilities, training and passion that is essential for working with the Forest School ethos even after we had left. We also trained up to three members of staff from each educational facility as Level 3 Forest School Leaders, so that each setting can continue outdoor learning.

Oropendola Productions

I was really pleased to see how successful the project has been. It's great that the local communities are now able to engage with nature.
Lucy Powell
Central Manchester MP

How Manchester Forest School is changing children's lives

Every child has their own story of discovering nature, feeling free and confident, and expressing themselves through Forest School.

Bailey's story

Bailey is just one of thousands of children who have taken part in our project. Bailey's dad helped with the sessions so shared in his son's journey of discovering the wildlife on his doorstep, both at Forest School and in their garden, where Bailey was able to take home and extend his learning and fun.

“I like being outdoors with the nature and the worms and it makes me happy,” enthused Bailey. “Forest School is fun and you get to do things like you've never done before”.

Oropendola Productions

Riley's story

Riley is a child who struggles in a traditional classroom setting and has complex needs. Since attending Forest School, his family and school have seen positive changes in Riley's mood and performance at home and in class. Although our Forest School project has now moved on from working in his school, we have trained Riley's teachers as Forest School leaders, so Riley and his schoolmates can continue to enjoy their Forest School adventures for many years.

Created by Hidden World Productions

I think Forest School has really helped my kids in school, they’re more confident. We enjoy using the Forest School area and we actually made a hedgehog hotel recently as my daughter wanted to give something back to the forest.
Kerry Carrington