Green motorways
As climate change continues to push our wildlife further north it is more important than ever that we are providing a safe area for them to move through. The Carbon Landscape boasts a huge variety of habitats, from lowland raised bogs, wet meadows, mire and fen to semi-natural broad-leaved woodland that, together, could form a vital green 'motorway'.
These habitats provide homes for a rich diversity of specialist wildlife, much of which is reliant on well-connected habitats in order to thrive. Browse though our image gallery, below, to see some of the wildlife that calls the Carbon Landscape home.

(C) Jill Jennings
Marvellous mosslands
A healthy mossland will not only provide a key habitat for endangered and rare species, but can also soak up and store huge amounts of carbon - hence our name! In fact, mosslands store more carbon than all of England and France's forests combined.
These are ancient landscapes formed over 10,000 years ago that have played a huge role in our rich, cultural heritage and which now hold the key to our future. Mosslands also reduce the risk of flooding by soaking up water during periods of high rainfall and gradually release it over time.
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Local children having fun at a Bog Hop on Little Woolden Moss. Photo: Lydia Dayes
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Wildlife, wild spaces and wild people.