On 20 March, the first day of spring, it was sunny and cool here at St Michael's. We were delighted to hold a pet service to thank God for the gift of animals and to ask for God's blessing on all that he has made. Plenty of dogs were brought by their owners, alongside a couple of guinea pigs. One individual could only hold up her mobile phone showing a photo of her cat, as he had objected to being put in his carry case!
Eco church diaries: March 2022

Harry Moulton
In the churchyard, snowdrops and crocuses are fading. However, they are being replaced by drifts of bright yellow daffodils. The leaves of wildflowers such as cuckoo-pint (Arum maculatum) are fresh and green. The spring chorus of bird song is building up well, with blue tits, coal tits, great tits and numerous robins seen and heard everywhere. It was also lovely to see a pair of nuthatches - their song is surprisingly loud and fast. Finally, large buff-tailed bumblebees are hovering over mossy tree roots, looking for suitable underground nesting sites.

Harry Moulton

Harry Moulton
On a more disappointing note, our old 'friends' the fly tippers are back. Inside the church, however, ladybirds and harlequin beetles are emerging from the nooks and crannies where they have been overwintering, venturing into the outside world. Finally, we're thrilled to announce that we have now received our A Rocha silver award.