July photography competition results

July photography competition results

Mark Harder 

Gardens can be incredible places for wildlife, which is why the theme for our July photography competition was 'Garden Wildlife'. Take a look at the fantastic entries and winning images.

For this month's photography competition, we asked people to photograph the wildlife quite literally on their doorstep. This month’s theme of ‘Garden Wildlife’ highlighted the important role our gardens can play in creating nature recovery networks and providing beneficial natural spaces for wildlife.  

Gardens, no matter how big or small, are integral stepping stones between larger natural habitats, and have the potential to brim with wildlife. Whether you have a small urban oasis or a sprawling country garden, every garden is important.

This month's competition entries were really impressive and showcased the wonderful diversity of wildlife in local gardens. It goes without saying that it was extremely difficult to choose a winner, but after much deliberation, Heather Sheldrick’s ‘May I Join You’, was awarded first place.

An image of a hedgehog eating some hedgehog food, with a mouse cheekily positioned in the background waiting to steal some.

Heather Sheldrick

Our judge couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this photo, saying:

"The composition is wonderful; the lighting shining the spotlight on the famously reclusive hedgehog but still picking out the cheeky mouse in the background. It isn't often you come across a photo opportunity like this!"

An image of a common toad sat on grass

John Vickery

In second place is John Vickery’s ‘Common Toad’. Our judge commented that, "The vibrant colour is fabulous, and the image highlights the subtle beauty of one of our most underappreciated garden visitors."

Toads, with their olive-brown warty skin and mesmerising copper eyes are the ultimate gardener's friend, hoovering up slugs and snails on every visit.

Wood mouse nibbling on some seed behind a vibrant pink flower

Victoria Millington

In third place is Victoria Millington’s â€˜Garden Mouse’. Our judge loved this photograph and noted that, "This image of a delightful wood mouse is unbelievably cute and presents an endearing representation of a creature sometimes regarded as a nuisance. Mice are hardworking and intuitive little creatures and should be admired by all of us, and this photo certainly invokes that response from me."

The winner will be contacted via email with details of how to redeem their £100 optics voucher prize. Additionally, all winning photos will be displayed in our visitor centres for everyone to see.  

What do you think?         

Let us know what you think about the judge’s selections via either our Facebook or Twitter pages.         

August’s competition is currently open and has the theme of ‘Dragonflies and Damselflies’. As per 2021 rule changes, photographs can be taken anywhere in the Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside region and are not limited to Lancashire Wildlife Trust nature reserves.        

The deadline for entries is 11:59 pm on 31/08/2021. To enter, email photocomp@lancswt.org.uk (a maximum of three photos per person) or click the button below. 

Enter here 

July 2021 Photography Competition - Garden Wildlife