Supporter Story - APEM Ltd join us at Freshfield Dune Heath

Supporter Story - APEM Ltd join us at Freshfield Dune Heath

Matthew Stewart

Partnerships Officer Matt Stewart joins the team at Freshfield Dune Heath along with team members APEM Limited for their very first Welly Workout!

A sunny day out by the sea, is exactly what a group of 23 volunteers from APEM Limited were treated to last week when they joined me and our Merseyside Reserve Officer, Andrew, at Freshfield Dune Heath as part of our Welly Workout initiative, designed to engage corporate supporters with the trust.

Image of APEM volunteers standing on Freshfield Nature Reserve

Matthew Stewart

Andrew kicked off the day by explaining the task of gorse clearance that the group would be undertaking and explaining that carrying out this work is vital to increasing the structural diversity of the gorse to benefit an array of wildlife on the reserve.  After a tool and safety talk we made our way across the sunbathed reserve and the team were let loose to tackle the gorse head on, armed with loppers and saws the gorse was piled high in no time.  During the morning, I chatted with several of the team from APEM, the enthusiasm they had for being out in nature and contributing to the work of the Lancashire Wildlife Trust was infectious.  I shared insights into the scope and variety of the conservation work we undertake across Lancashire, Manchester & North Merseyside and the benefits this has not only for wildlife but also for society.

Following a morning of clearance, it was time for refreshments before an educational walk around the reserve.  Andrew started off by discussing some key historical milestones, including the purchase of the site from the Ministry of Defence in 2004 to the sand lizard releases in 2010 & 2011.  We then delved into the uniqueness of this habitat located on the Sefton Coast, outlining that Freshfield Dune Heath is the single largest lowland heathland in the North West of England and makes up 9% of the National total of this habitat.  The group were particularly keen to learn about the grazing stock we have on site and the colony of water voles that live in the Wham Dyke.  Andrew then concluded by outlining future plans for the reserve and how he envisages the site developing over the coming years to attract more wildlife and allowing it to thrive. 

"Freshfield Dune Heath is home to over 2,000 species of plant and animal"
Andrew Hampson
Merseyside Reserves Team

As the sun set on Freshfield Dune Heath I caught up with Alan Cowlishaw, Principal Ecologist at APEM Limited, to discuss the day, which we kicked off with a chat about the beauty of the reserve and the fulfilment he and the team felt following their efforts.  The team that joined us from APEM are based across the UK and work remotely, we chatted about the benefits of interacting in person with colleagues and how he had noticed relationships strengthen remarkably in just 6 hours spent engaging in the Welly Workout together.  Alan explained how he felt proud to have been given the opportunity to make a real impact to the conservation efforts being carried out by LWT.

"A beautiful place which is good for the soul"
Alan Cowlishaw
Principal Ecologist, APEM Ltd

It was a particularly poignant day for me on my personal journey with the trust.  Back in October, two weeks into my role of Partnerships Officer, I visited Freshfield Dune Heath with the wider fundraising team; to understand the work being undertaken and opportunities that increased funding would facilitate.  Fast forward 4 months and I am now back at Freshfield Dune Heath with a business supporter who have not only contributed their time to carry out conservation work but also donated vital funds, enabling future projects.

Moments spent with business supporters, on a reserve, carrying out conservation work, are the days that bring my role as Partnerships Officer to life.  To experience a business helping us achieve our goals and supporting the Lancashire Wildlife Trust is powerful.

If you and your team would like to join us on site, get in touch