Willow warbler melts my heart

Willow warbler melts my heart

Willow warbler chick by Dave Steel

Even in the wet, our intrepid 30 Days Wild blogger Dave Steel finds plenty to brighten his day.

The month wears on with its bounty from the sky but, as yet, has not wearied my mosslands 30 Days Wild - there is always something to find and rabbit on about , I’m afraid!

A brief good morning and a cuppa with my grandchildren ensured that the day would start and stay on a positive note.

Out on a fallow field song thrush busied themselves with filling their beaks full of tasty morsels and delivering these to their young, still sensibly in their nest.

A pair of kestrel posed on telegraph poles, peering into the same area hoping that a shrew might break cover. These falcons have a nest with young nearby, keeping their parents quite busy.

Moving north I came across a bedraggled buzzard, which, no doubt, had its own parenting duties to fulfil. I left it to it and wandered up an overgrown pathway that on my brushing against overhanging trees I was, confetti-like, covered in greenfly - a superb wild moment.

Why, you may ask was this a great moment, well this was reassuring, for it meant that there was plenty of food for the mixed flock of birds that were passing by.


A blip in the weather pattern then gave a glimpse or two of the sun into which a bedraggled speckled wood butterfly briefly flew. It’s not much fun for these insects at present, the wild can be harsh.

Then a sound of a summer, such as it is, coming together for a family party of willow warbler moved through a stand of willow. The innocent look on the face of one of the young, as it peered out, melted me into the softer side of wild.


30 Days Wild