Brockholes - Event Set Up & Parking Steward

Brockholes - Event Set Up & Parking Steward

Reference: Brockholes - Event Set Up & Parking Steward
Brockholes Nature Reserve has an exciting opportunity for people to join our Events & Activities Volunteer Team assisting us to deliver our packed events programme that runs throughout the year.

At our larger events, we call upon a team of Volunteer Stewards to assist with the event set up along with stewarding contractor, trader and visitor vehicles on site.

Our Events Set Up & Parking Stewards have a key role to play in ensuring our events are a great success and we are now recruiting for the busy winter events season!

As we are recruiting for the winter events season, we are looking for volunteers who are available on at least 3 of the following dates/times.

Saturday 9 Nov - 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday 29th Nov, 6 Dec, 13 Dec - 2.00pm to 8.30pm
Saturday 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec - 7.45am - 10.30am
Sunday 1, 8, 15 Dec - 8.45am - 10.30am

Position details


Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Contact details

For further details and to apply for this role click on the link below which will take you to Assemble, our Volunteer Management System

Event Set Up & Parking Steward