There's another world waiting beneath the waves. Seals weave in and out of sunlit kelp forests, cuttlefish flash all the colours of the rainbow, starfish graze along the muddy seabed and…
Tony West
There's another world waiting beneath the waves. Seals weave in and out of sunlit kelp forests, cuttlefish flash all the colours of the rainbow, starfish graze along the muddy seabed and…
Do you feel an affinity with a particular Irish Sea wonder? Take our National Marine Week quiz and find out which marine creature you are!
National Marine Week is here! Take a look at everything that's going on, and download some spotter sheets to make the most of it.
Happy National Marine Week! Are you ready to be inspired by the magical worlds that wait beneath the waves around the UK?
The return of the sand lizard to the Fylde Coast is one of the highlights of the Wildlife Trusts UK Marine Review for 2020 published today.
The government has launched England’s first-ever national Marine and Coastal Wildlife Code which offers friendly advice and guidance to help people visit the coast responsibly.
We back a new form of protection for the sea and are calling on Government for an ambitious delivery plan for Highly Protected Marine Areas within a year.
Spot seals, search the strandline for shark egg cases and ramble those rockpools this summer!
The Wildlife Trusts cheer long fought-for arrival of first ever sea sanctuaries where all damaging activities will be banned.
Largely confined to the north of the UK, the rare pine marten is nocturnal and very hard to spot. However, it can be enticed to visit a peanut-laden birdtable.
The tiny, brown-and-white sand martin is a common summer visitor to the UK, nesting in colonies on rivers, lakes and flooded gravel pits. It returns to Africa in winter.