Tony West
Bittern caught on video at Doffcocker Lodge
A bittern has been spotted climbing about in the reedbed at Doffcocker Lodge, and a lucky volunteer caught its antics on film.
Sermon with an upbeat ending
The Wild seemed to be offering a Sunday sermon as I shared my breakfast minutes with starling, house sparrow and goldfinch.
Breathing life back into Ousel Nest
An inspiring conversation with Sammy Kitchen, from Ousel Nest LNR, proves that with steely determination we can accomplish amazing things for wildlife.
This secretive bird is a member of the rail family, related to coots and moorhens. The breeding call, a rasping rattle, is given mostly at night, sometimes for hours on end.
Siemens go WILD for wellbeing with Lancashire Wildlife Trust
For many businesses, stepping outside is something done at lunch time or at the end of the day as a means to an end.
Privet hawk-moth
With a torpedo-shaped body and long, narrow wings, the privet hawk-moth is a striking garden visitor. But the caterpillars really stand out: lime-green, with purple streaks and a black hook at the…
Water forget-me-not
Also known as 'Scorpion-grass' because of the curved 'tail' at the end of its stems, Water forget-me-not is a distinctive plant of damp habitats. Over summer, it produces…
Bee orchid
The bee orchid is a sneaky mimic - the flower’s velvety lip looks like a female bee. Males fly in to try to mate with it and end up pollinating the flower. Sadly, the right bee species doesn’t…
Preston Junction Practical Conservation Volunteers
If you'd love to get outdoors, get stuck in with some practical conservation activities and make some new friends you could come and help us to make Preston Junction LNR even better for…
December photography competition results
To end 2021, we asked our photography competition participants to enter their best ‘Christmas Card Wildlife’ shots.