Tony West
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Spring means bees are getting busy
While we're all sitting at home, wildlife is getting on with its spring preparations, and according to an expert, with bees in particular looking bigger and busier at this time of year.
Getting Wild About Gardens
This year's Wild About Gardens theme is 'Swifts, Swallows and House Martins' - birds that all depend on our gardens.
Getting prepared for the Manchester Festival of Nature
“Are you ready for the festival?” asks James Walsh, aka The Mancunian Birder
Red squirrel sightings form
Red mullet
A strikingly beautiful fish, it is not hard to see where the ‘red’ mullet gets its name from!
Red Squirrels
Red squirrels
Red clover
A familiar 'weed' of gardens, roadsides, meadows and parks, red clover has trefoil leaves and red, rounded flower heads. It is often used as fodder for livestock.
Red bartsia
As its name suggests, Red bartsia does have a red tinge to its stem, leaves and small flowers. Look for it on roadside verges, railway cuttings and waste ground in summer.
Rearing red squirrels
Staff from the Lancashire Wildlife Trust have had a flurry of fluffy activity this summer, raising four orphaned red squirrels to get them ready for life in the wild. Our guest blogger and red…