Tony West
European badger
Badgers are the UK’s largest land predator and are one of the most well-known British species. They are famed for their black and white stripes and sturdy body, using their strong front paws to…
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Flawed badger cull expands across England
The Wildlife Trusts call on government: invest in medicine not marksmen.
The government has given permission for badger culls to go ahead in England for another year. This year, badgers are…
Spring means bees are getting busy
While we're all sitting at home, wildlife is getting on with its spring preparations, and according to an expert, with bees in particular looking bigger and busier at this time of year.
Getting Wild About Gardens
This year's Wild About Gardens theme is 'Swifts, Swallows and House Martins' - birds that all depend on our gardens.
The Wildlife Trusts call for more investment in badger vaccination
The Wildlife Trusts' response to new figures released by the government.
Badger, Ratty, Mole and Toad strike out for a Wilder Future
Stars speak up for wildlife in new film trailer hitting cinemas this weekend.
Getting prepared for the Manchester Festival of Nature
“Are you ready for the festival?” asks James Walsh, aka The Mancunian Birder
Fury over cull to wipe out a third of badgers
The Wildlife Trusts are angry that the Government has, again, extended its badger cull in an attempt to eradicate bovine tuberculosis in cattle.
What to feed hedgehogs and badgers
Putting out a bit of food can help see mammals like hedgehogs through colder spells.